Sunday, August 20, 2017

Islamic Discussing about the Right Way of Mechanic of slaughtering Animal

The way of sloughtering animal in Islam

Islamic Discussing about the Right Way of Mechanic of slaughtering Animal
Understanding of Slaughterhouse

According to the language slaughter means good and holy. That is, that the animals slaughtered in accordance with the rules of Personality makes the slaughtered animals was good and pure and halal to eat.
Meanwhile, according to the terms slaughter is shut off or destroy the spirit of the animal by cutting the airways and the food channel as well as the main artery of his neck with a knife, sword, or other sharp instrument in accordance with the provisions of Personality ', besides bones and nails, in order to eat kosher.

Slaughter of animals is not the same as turning off. Deadly animal can be done in various ways, such as being hit, disabet with weapons, doused with hot water or burned. However, these methods are not exemplified by the Messenger Muhammad and includes cruel acts.
Therefore in doing the slaughtering must be done properly and correctly. As word of the Messenger Muhammad:
إن الله كتب الإحسان على كل شيئ فإذا data-ad-slot="2843990818" style="display: inline-block; height: 280px; width: 336px;"> قتلتم فأحسنوا القتلة فإذا ذبحتم فأحسنوا الذبح وليحد أحدكم شفرته فليرح ذبيحته (رواه مسلم (
Meaning: From Ibn Aus Saddadi the Messenger of Allah. said; "Verily Allah has given to do good against everything. If you kill, kill well. If you want to slaughter, slaughter well and let sharpen his knife and give pleasure to the slaughtered animals. (HR. Muslim).As believers, we should not indiscriminately slaughtering animals. We must follow the procedures and requirements in terms of killing the animal.

2. Pillars And Terms Slaughterhouse.
    a. Butchers, who slaughter requirements are:
    1) Religion of Islam believers .
Consuming the slaughter of the Book (Jews and Christians) is halal. Allah says in Surah Al-Maidah paragraph 5, which means: Food (slaughter) of the Book is lawful to you, and your food lawful for them .... (Surah A1-Maidah / 5: 5). Some scholars claim that eating meat from animals destined for slaughter, of the Book is tantamount to consume the slaughter infidels and idolatrous So eating meat from the slaughter infidels and polytheists are unlawful.

2) Baligh ( come  of age ) and understanding
3) Calling Name of Allah AL-MIGHTY.
Allah AL-MIGHTY says in Surah Al-An'am verse: 121, which means: "And ye shall not eat of any (meat) which when slaughtered not mention the name of Allah, the act was really a wickedness ...... (QS. Al- An'am / 6: 121) Some scholars claim that the name of Allah AL-MIGHTY does not include a condition when the animal slaughter by Moslems.
 4) Slaughtering intentionally
 5) Can be viewed (not blind)
      b. Animals were slaughtered, slaughtered animals requirements are:
1) The animals were to be slaughtered were still alive. Dead animals were not for     slaughter means has become a carcass.
 2) Animals for slaughter is kosher animals, both of substance and how to obtain it.
     The animals were slaughtered there in two circumstances, namely the state of the animals   is slaughtered her neck and circumstances difficult animals slaughtered in his neck. The animals were easily slaughtered in the neck, let slaughtered in his neck, the veins cut the food channel (throat) and respiratory tract (throat), both these veins should be broken up.

While the animals were slaughtered his neck hard as wild or as falling in a pit that can not be slaughtered in the neck, then slaughtering can be done on the body anywhere in the home can lead to death because the wound.
Similarly, if you need to be explained in slaughtered animals fetus or child are the animals and got turned off in the belly of its mother after mother slain, then the child is also lawful to eat, because his death was caused by the death of its mother slaughtered.

c. Slaughtering tools used, the conditions are:
1) Sharps and can injure
2) teresebut objects made of stone, bamboo, iron, and other metal objects.
3) The item is not made of nails, teeth, and bones
It was based on the words of the Prophet Muhammad SAW as follows:
ما أنهر الدم وذكر إسم الله عليه فكل ليس السن والظفر وسأخبركم عنه أما السن فعظم وأما الظفر فمدى الحشة) رواه البخارى (
It means: "Anything that buffer to drain blood and mentioned the name of Allah, then may ye eat, not the tooth, and nail and I'll tell you about it , while the teeth are bones, while the nail that was the weapon the Ethiopia. (Reported by al-Bukhari of Raft 'bin Khadis: 5074).
 3.     The way of slaughtering  animal according to Islamic law         
There are two ways of animal slaughter is the traditional way and mechanics. Both methods are allowed and halal edible sembelihannya results with a record of Personality and conditions specified Personality 'to be met, such as the provision of slaughtered animals, tools used, and the provisions of the person who slaughtered all of them must qualify predetermined Personality'.

Traditionally slaughter is slaughter practiced by the community by using simple tools like a sharp knife.
Usually in the traditional slaughter of the number of animals slaughtered very little and only for a limited circle consumed.
While the mechanical slaughter is slaughter by using machinery and modern equipment. Because in this slaughter using a machine then the results diperolehpun quite a lot and the workload is lighter, and the mengkonsumsipun not limited circles but the wider community.
a) How to slaughter animals in the traditional way:
1) Setting up the first hole blood container.
2) Equipment to be used for slaughtering prepared in advance.
3) Animals for slaughter was laid facing the Qibla, the hull bottom left.
4) Neck animals for slaughter placed on top of the blood container hole that had been prepared.
5) Walking animals for slaughter is held tightly or tied, his head pressed down to make its horns stuck to the ground.
6) Giving basmalah, then scratched on the neck means of slaughtering animals slaughtered so decide, the way to eat, drink, breath, and right and left jugular vein in the neck of animals.
b) How slaughter mechanically
1) Preparing the equipment beforehand.
2) Insert the animals into a room that was filled with gas so that the animal is unconscious and die.
3) By delivering basmalah, the unconscious animals which have been slaughtered by means of slaughter that had been prepared previously.
4) Slaughtering animals with mechanical devices are allowed and halal meat, provided it meets the requirements of the slaughter.
Animals to be slaughtered his neck, cut nerves and tendons place where the food came out his breath, both these veins should be disconnected.

Animals can not be slaughtered his neck, as wild or fall into the hole, so it can not be slaughtered his neck, then menyembelinya done anywhere from badanya, provided he died of that wound.
عن رافع قال كنا مع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فى سفر فند بعير من إبلعن رافع قال كنا مع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فى سفر فند بعير من إبل القوم ولم يكن معهم خيل فرماه رجل بسهم فحبسه فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم إن لهذه البهائم أوابد كأوابد الوحش فما فعل منها هذا فأفعلوا به هكذا) رواه الجماعة (
It means: "From Rafi" he said: We are together Rosululloh SAW on the way we met a camel belonging to someone of the (camel that was running) and they are not riding a horse to chase the man had been throwing with arrows, and die camel, then the Prophet SA W said: The real nature of these animals have wild animals, to animals like this did according ye do. "(HR. Jama'ah)
4. Obligations in Slaughtering Animals
a. The animal should be cut / slaughtered at the base of the neck (neck down).
b. Dipotog which is part of the throat of the beast that is the way of breathing.
c. In addition to the throat should also cut the esophagus which is street food.
d. Two pieces of the animal's jugular vein (left and right) should be cut off.
e. At the time of slaughter should mention the name of Allah AL-MIGHTY.
 5. Sunna in Slaughtering Animals
a. Diihadapkan animals to Qibla
b. Slaughtering animals at the base of the neck, especially if long-necked bina its tang. It was intended that the knife is not easy to shift and veins of the neck and throat fast break.
c. Using a sharp tool in order to reduce the levels of pain.
d. Cutting the two veins in the neck so fast right left to die.
e. The animals were slaughtered, toppled to the left ribs, so easy for those who slaughter.
f. Read basmalah.
g. Read Shalawat Nabi.
h. Accelerate the slaughtering process so that the animals are not tortured.
 6. Matters dimakruhkan when slaughtered
a. Slaughtering with a blunt instrument
b. Hitting animals time to slaughter
c. Deciding neck or skinning the animal before it is completely dead benar¬
القوم ولم يكن معهم خيل فرماه رجل بسهم فحبسه فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم إن لهذه البهائم أوابد كأوابد الوحش فما فعل منها هذا فأفعلوا به هكذا) رواه الجماعة (
It means: "From Rafi" he said: We are together Rosululloh SAW on the way we met a camel belonging to someone of the (camel that was running) and they are not riding a horse to chase the man had been throwing with arrows, and die camel, then the Prophet SA W said: The real nature of these animals have wild animals, to animals like this did according ye do. "(HR. Jama'ah)

4. Obligations in Slaughtering Animals
a. The animal should be cut / slaughtered at the base of the neck (neck down).
b. Dipotog which is part of the throat of the beast that is the way of breathing.
c. In addition to the throat should also cut the esophagus which is street food.
d. Two pieces of the animal's jugular vein (left and right) should be cut off.
e. At the time of slaughter should mention the name of Allah AL-MIGHTY.
7. The method of slaughtering animals there are two:
a. Nahr [Arabic: نحر],
Slaughtering animals to injure a collar (base of the neck). It is a way of slaughtering animals camel.
     Allah says,
والبدن جعلناها لكم من شعائر الله لكم فيها خير فاذكروا اسم الله عليها صواف فإذا وجبت جنوبها فكلواWe made for you camels were part of the greatness of God, you gain much good to him, then call the name of God when you kill it in a state of standing (and has been committed). Then when the fallen (dead), then eat ... (QS. Al Haj: 36)
Ibn Abbas Allaah 'anhuma explained above paragraph, (camel) standing on three legs, while the front left leg tied. (Tafsir Ibn Kathir to this paragraph)
From Jabir bin Abdillah Allaah 'anhuma, he said, that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam and his companions hamstrung by the position of the front left leg tied and standing on three legs remaining. (HR. Abu Daud and validated Al-Albani).
القوم ولم يكن معهم خيل فرماه رجل بسهم فحبسه فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم إن لهذه البهائم أوابد كأوابد الوحش فما فعل منها هذا فأفعلوا به هكذا) رواه الجماعة (
It means: "From Rafi" he said: We are together Rosululloh SAW on the way we met a camel belonging to someone of the (camel that was running) and they are not riding a horse to chase the man had been throwing with arrows, and die camel, then the Prophet SA W said: The real nature of Reviews These animals have wild animals, to animals like this did According ye do. "(HR. Jama'ah)
4. Obligations in Slaughtering Animalsa. The animal should be cut / Slaughtered at the base of the neck (neck down).
b. Dipotog the which is part of the throat of the beast that is the way of breathing.
c. In addition to the throat should cut the esophagus Also the which is street food.
d. Two pieces of the animal's jugular vein (left and right) should be cut off.
e. At the time of slaughter should mention the name of Allah AL-MIGHTY.
5. Sunna in Slaughtering Animalsa. Diihadapkan animals to Qibla
b. Slaughtering animals at the base of the neck, especially if long-necked bina its tang. It was intended that the knife is not easy to shift and veins of the neck and throat fast break.
c. Using a sharp tool in order to reduce the levels of pain.
d. Cutting the two veins in the neck so fast right left to die.
e. The animals were slaughtered, toppled to the left ribs, so easy for those who slaughter.
f. Read basmalah.
g. Read Shalawat Nabi.
h. Accelerate the slaughtering process so that the animals are not tortured.
6. Matters dimakruhkan when slaughtereda. Slaughtering with a blunt instrument
b. Hitting animals time to slaughter
c. Deciding neck or skinning the animal before it is completely dead benar¬
7. The method of slaughtering animals there are two:
a. Nahr [Arabic: نحر],
Slaughtering animals to injure a collar (base of the neck). It is a way of slaughtering animals camel.
     Allah says,
والبدن جعلناها لكم من شعائر الله لكم فيها خير فاذكروا اسم الله عليها صواف فإذا وجبت جنوبها فكلواWe made for you camels were part of the greatness of God, you gain much good to him, then call the name of God when you kill it in a state of standing (and has been committed). Then when the fallen (dead), then eat ... (QS. Al Haj: 36)
Ibn Abbas Allaah 'anhuma explained above paragraph, (camel) standing on three legs, while the front left leg tied. (Tafsir Ibn Kathir to this paragraph)
From Jabir bin Abdillah Allaah 'anhuma, he said, that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam and his companions hamstrung by the position of the front left leg tied and standing on three legs remaining. (HR. Abu Daud and validated Al-Albani).
 b. Dzabh [Arabic: ذبح], butchering animals to injure the neck top (neck edge). This is generally how to slaughter animals, such as goats, chickens, and so on.
In this section we will discuss the procedures Dzabh, because Dzabh slaughter is practiced in our place -not nahr-.
8. Some adab to note:

a. Should slaughter is Shohibul sacrifice himself, if he is able. If not then it could be delegated to others, and Shohibul sacrifice is prescribed to witness.

b. Use the knife as sharp as possible. The sharper, the better. This is based on the hadith of Shaddad bin Aus-Allaah 'anhu, that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said,
إن الله كتب الإحسان على كل شىء فإذا قتلتم فأحسنوا القتلة وإذا ذبحتم فأحسنوا الذبح و ليحد أحدكم شفرته فليرح ذبيحته"Allah obliges do charity in all things. If you kill, kill with ihsan, if you slaughter, slaughter with ihsan. You should sharpen his knife and fun sembelihannya. "(HR. Muslim).

c. Not sharpen a knife before the animals for slaughter. Because this will cause him fear before slaughter. Based on the hadith of Ibn Umar Allaah 'anhuma,
أمر رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم بحد الشفار, وأن توارى عن البهائم"Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam ordered to sharpen a knife, without showing it to the animals." (HR. Ahmad, Ibn Majah).
In another narration, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam never passed someone who put his foot on the neck of a goat, then he sharpens his knife, saw the animal temporarily. Then he said (which means): "Why do not you sharpen before this?! Do you want to shut down twice?!. "(HR. Ath-Thabrani with authentic sanad).

d Exposes the animal towards the qibla.
Mentioned in Mausu'ah fiqhiyah:
Animals to be slaughtered faced to Qibla on the position of the organ to be slaughtered (neck) rather than his face. Because that's the way to get closer to God. (Mausu'ah fiqhiyah Kuwaitiyah, 21: 196).
 Thus, the proper way to expose the animals to the direction of Qiblah when slaughtering is by positioning the head in the South, the foot in the West, and the neck facing West.

e. Animals lay on top of the stomach to the left.
Imam An-Nawawi said, There are several traditions about the lay of animals (not slaughtered in the stand, pen.) And the Moslems also agree with this. The scholars agreed that the way lay the correct animal is to the left. As this will facilitate the butcher to cut the animal with his right hand and holding the neck with his left hand. (Mausu'ah fiqhiyah Kuwaitiyah, 21: 197).
The same explanation also delivered Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen. He said, "The animals are going to slaughter laid to the left, making it easier for people who slaughter. Because butchers will cut the animal with the right hand, so that the animal was placed in the stomach to the left. (Syarhul Mumthi ', 7: 442).

f. Setting foot on the neck of the animal. As mentioned in the hadith of Anas bin Malik Allaah 'anhu, he said,
ضحى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم بكبشين أملحين, فرأيته واضعا قدمه على صفاحهما يسمي ويكبرProphet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam sacrificed two sheep. I see he placed his foot on the neck of the animal, then read basmalah .... (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).

g Reading when they wanted to slaughter.
Moments before slaughter, should read basmalah. It is obligatory, in the opinion of the strong. Allah says,
و لا تأكلوا مما لم يذكر اسم الله عليه وإنه لفسق ..
Ye shall not eat animals that are not mentioned the name of God when slaughter. Indeed, such an act would be wickedness. (QS. Al-An'am: 121).

 h. It is advisable to read the takbir (Allahu akbar) after reading basmalah
Anas bin Malik of Allaah 'anhu, that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam never slaughtered two sheep horns, ... he is hamstrung by the hand, and read basmalah and bertakbir .... (HR. Al-Bukhari and Muslim).

i. At the time of slaughter is recommended mention people so that herwan dikurbankannya goal.

From Jabir bin Abdillah Allaah 'anhuma, that once brought a lamb. Then the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam slaughtered with his hand. When the slaughter he say, 'bismillah wallaahu akbar, this sacrifice on my behalf and on behalf of my people who do not sacrifice.' "(HR. Abu Dawud, At-Turmudzi and validated Al-Albani).
 After reading the bismillah Allahu akbar, also allowed if accompanied by the following passage:
hadha Minka wa laka. "(HR. Abu Dawud, no. 2795) or
Minka hadha
Note: Readings takbir and named Sohibul sacrifice is Sunnah, not obligatory. So the sacrifice is still valid although when slaughtered not read Takbir and named Sohibul sacrifice.

j. Slaughtered quickly to alleviate what was experienced animal sacrifice.
As the hadith of Shaddad bin Aus above.

k. Make sure that the part of the throat, esophagus, two jugular vein (right-left) has certainly cut.
Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Baz said that slaughtering Shari'a compliant, there are three state (quoted from Salatul Idain of Sheikh Sa'id Al-Qohthoni):

1) A breakdown of the throat, esophagus, and the two jugular vein. This is the best situation. If disconnected four things then slaughtering  kosher according to all scholars.
2) A breakdown of the throat, esophagus, and one jugular vein. Sembelihannya right, lawful, and be eaten, although this state ennobled under the first condition.
3) A breakdown of the throat and esophagus, without the two jugular vein. Sembelihannya legitimate and lawful status, according to some scholars, and a stronger opinion on the issue. The evidence is the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam,
ما أنهر الدم وذكر اسم الله عليه فكل, ليس السن والظفر"As long as the blood flow and has the name of Allah then eat. Originally not use tooth and nail. "(HR. Al-Bukhari and Muslim).
l. Some scholars suggest that let the right foot moves, so the animals more quickly dying.

Imam An-Nawawi said, "It is advisable to lay cows and goats to the left. The statement from Al-Shafi'i school of Baghawi and scholars. They said, "His right foot is left ... (Al-Majmoo 'Sharh Muhadzab, 8: 408)
m. Should not break the neck before the animals actually dead.

The scholars stressed that this kind of legal action hated. Because it will further add to the pain of sacrificial animals. Similarly, skinning the animal, put it in hot water and the like. All this should not be done except after it was confirmed the animal was really dead.

Expressed in Syabakah Fatawa Islamiyah, "The scholars assert makruhnya cut off the head when menyembalih deliberately. Khalil ibn Ishaq in his Mukhtasar for Maliki Fiqh, when mentioning things dimakruhkan at the time of slaughter, he said,
وتعمد إبانة رأس"Among the makruh is intentionally cut off the head" (Syabakah Fatawa Islamiyah, no. 93 893).
Strong opinion that animals were beheaded when slaughtered lawful.
Imam Al-Mawardi -one Syafi'i- school of scholars say, "Imran bin Husain narrated from Allaah 'anhu, that he was asked about slaughtering the birds until breaking his neck? Friends of Imran said, 'be eaten. "Imam Shafi'i said,
فإذا ذبحها فقطع رأسها فهي ذكية"If there are people slaughtered, then cut off his head then his status sembelihannya legitimate" (Al-Hawi al-Kabir, 15: 224).
 9. Definition of Slaughterhouse In Mechanics زSlaughtering animals mechanically by pemingsanan is one technical term in the science of farms, widely practiced in the slaughter. That is the way memingsankan animals for slaughter using a machine, which if left unchecked will sober up and the animals can be returned to normal, and then slaughtered at the time of fainting.
The use of machines for pemingsanan intended to facilitate a collapse and the fall of the animals to be slaughtered at the abattoir and ease the pain of animals and slaughter carried out with a sharp knife decide huqum (a walk of breath), let '(a walking food), and wadajain (two veins pulse) of animals slaughtered by Islamic slaughter interpreter who first read basmalah.
That the animal collapsed stunned at slaughter if slaughter is not going to wake itself again as fresh as the original was, and, slaughtering with this system does not reduce the discharge of blood flow, will be even more and more smoothly so that the meat is clean.

There are several methods
a. Anesthesia with carbon dioxide
b. Captive bolt pistols
c. electric shock

Mekanais animal slaughtering process is as follows:
a. Stunned before being slaughtered animals first.
b. Once stunned, the animals must remain alive (dead) so that if it is not so slaughtered remain in a state of normal life
c. The animal was slaughtered with a sharp knife so that it can decide the respiratory tract, the food channel, and the two jugular vein
d. Animal cutter Muslim and first read something about Basmallah "Bismillahir rahmanirrahim"
e. After being slaughtered and its blood has stopped flowing, the entrails are removed all and then the meat is cut into pieces
f. Besides the time for slaughtering must be done precisely. Ideal interval between stunning process with the slaughtering process between 20 to 30 seconds. Less than that will be difficult to do so, while more than iru will produce adverse effects.
10. Slaughterhouse In Mechanics in the Islamic Perspective

Dead animals not through methods and procedures for the slaughter right by law is forbidden to be eaten. Slaughter correct (for other than the camel that Sharia is quite stabbed in the neck) according to the hadith narrated by ad-Daruquthni and al-Thabrani must be perfectly decided four neck veins, namely hulqum (esophagus breath), let '(uric track eating), widjan (two veins blood on either side of the neck). Thus, according to the Hanafi school.
 As according Maliki decided enough nerves of the esophagus and the two jugular vein. While Shafi and Hanbali only ordered  breaking of the esophagus and uric eat. Everything spekat that these cuts should not be done at once by clearing the head of the blood stop flowing.
 Indonesian Ulema Council set / declared that mechanically fainting animal slaughter is done ihsan modernization of the animals slaughtered in accordance with the recommendation of the Prophet and fulfill the legal requirements and the provisions syari'i legitimate and lawful, and therefore, it is expected that the Moslems do not doubt it.
Allah commanded an animal to be slaughtered  to apply ihsan (good) against him and did not hurt him. For that the Prophet ordered the use of a sharp knife to slaughter in order to accelerate his death, happiness and does not make stress by showing slaughter and animals that have been slaughtered to other animals that will be slaughtered the next, as the words of the Prophet, "Allah has set ihsan (goodness) against everything. When you kill, kill in a good way and when you slaughter, the slaughter in a good way. Let one of you sharpen a knife and happy slaughtering . "(HR. Muslim)

 11. Secret Slaughter and lesson
Secrets of slaughter, according to what we know, which is releasing the lives of animals with the easiest way, which would lighten up and not hurt. For those reasons, required equipment used must be sharp, so that faster impact.
In addition, it is also required that the slaughter must be performed on the neck, because this place is closer to segregate live animals and more easily.
Banned slaughtering animals by using tooth and nail, for slaughter with these tools can hurt the animal. In general, these tools are only suffocating. The Prophet ordered a sharp knife and used it in a polite way.
         Food problem is a problem that very principle because it affects the growth of physical and spiritual person and dumb

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 This writing come from the article of Dr.Nawawi Nurdin ( The trainer of Islamic law of Balai Diklat Keagamaan Palembang ) 

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