Tuesday, July 4, 2017

The mean of Ramadhan in Social life

Many people talk about Islam. People talk about Islam from various dimensions, some talk about it related in the element of faith, that is from the dimension of the truth of the faith itself, that is about the existence of God as a single god. The omnipotent, creator and keeper of all things in this world. Even to the Hereafter . beside it there are also analyzed in relation to the problem of Islamic law, social problems. But on that occasion the author would like to express matters relating to the fasting and social life of the community .

The pillars of Islam are simply interpreted as spiritual worship, fasting as a way to get God's mercy and love, as a form of devotion to the omnipotent, but Ramadan also Has the ultimate goal of being able to feel how hungry is perceived by the poor, the living as a beggar, the poor peasant, the homeless and the sufficient food, the one who suffers for the rest of his life. So by fasting we feel their pain and misery. So arise and increase the charity of generosity, compassion, willing to sacrifice Because, pillars of Islam is also social dimension.
Former general chairman of the central Muhammadiyah of the Republic of Indonesia, Amien Rais in his book, tauhid sosial write, if we look, actually worship mahdhah (pengbadian to Allah), worship that entered in arkanul islam (Islam pillars), such as prayer, zakat, And pilgrimage is full of social dimensions.
Prayer for example, according to amien, is not merely a worship that is presented by the creature to the khaliq, but in the congregational prayer contained a very wise doctrine, ie leadership and followership.

The facets or fundamentals of leadership and the fundamentals of followers can actually be elaborated. "Let us try to understand the meaning of prayer worship as a social dimension of worship We know that in the leadership and followership of congregational prayer there is a very democratic rules of the game, which is very neat, and the rules of the game concerning the space and time are arranged with very clear , "Amien Rais said.

Furthermore, we know that zakat and all kinds of al-qur'an commands that are closely related as infak, alms, gifts, grants, waqfs, and others are also clearly not merely vertical worship, but have a horizontal dimension (social ) Which is very sharp.

"In fact, I dare say that the institutions of zakat, alms, infak, etc. are merupapkan an institution that perform leveling of process for the life of society in general," said amien.
That is, the process of structuring equity and the achievement of harmonious justice can be achieved through Islamic religious institutions. So is fasting. Although fasting is exclusive between its creatures and its khaliq, we know always that the lesson of fasting has a great variety of social dimensions.
From this article we know that the religion of Islam is the perfect religion, the true true religion loves human life. Islam is not a terrorist religion, not a religion of vandals, not a religion that likes to attack other people but a religion that spreads affection.

Hajj is also a worship that promotes social solidarity, even firmly and clearly, economic solidarity. Cooperation and harmonization between Islamic courts on earth is one of the goals and wisdom of pilgrimage.thanks for reading this article,hoping to be useful.

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