Thursday, November 2, 2017


Islam is the religion that teaches peace to his people but to all of humanity, as well as a rational religion in addressing peace. That peace can not be focused on one side but also be undertaken by all parties involved in it. In such a context, Muslims will back the peace of his life to God's promise of paradise. So we just live our role as servants of God to carry out His plans.

Good people will discover the advantages that confers on him. So God said be patient while continuing to do good thing his way. In the Qur'an Surah An-Nahl (16): 127-128 Be patient (O Muhammad) and patience is not except from Allah, and do not grieve over the (blasphemy) they and not thyself because of their plots.
Surely Allah is with those who fear Him and those who do good. In the Qur'an Surah Al Insaan (76): 24 So be patient for (conducting) the resolution of your Lord, and follow not the sinner and the disbelievers among them. It is clear now the position of Muslims in the arena of world civilization that Muslims must take on the role of global peace  without losing rationality.

Muslims must be peacemakers because that's what our mission as Muslims creating a prosperous society that is fair to all mankind in blessing  of  Allah, the Merciful "lil Alamin rahmatan society. Only those who want to be servants of God pious who can behave rationally and proportionally to live a religious life.

In  Al-Qur'an Surah Az tasks, (39): 10 Say: "O My servants who believe! Fear your Lord." People who do good in this world is good. And Allah's earth spacious. Indeed, only those who are patient will be paid back their reward without limit. In the Quran surah Ar-Rum (30): 60 So be patient, surely the promise of Allah is true and sometimes not those who do not believe (the truth of the revelations of Allah) it will disturb you. In the Qur'an Surah Al Ahqaf (46): 35 Be patient, as people who have the courage of the apostles who were patient, and do not According to Abdurrahman Wahid or Gusdur  ( ex president of Indonesia ) that Islam is not a religion of violence, clashes between "truth" occurs when people dare to take over the post of the Lord, the function of God, and the work of God.

In fact, in the teachings of monotheism, the affairs of the truth is the prerogative of God, so how do we attempt to minimize conflicts of the inherently tolerant and compassionate toward others, justify wrong with the heart and common sense, the opinion of a sharp mind and intellectuals not to  hand or arms, waking Muslims who fall asleep with the tricks that force them to think that they were forced to study hard, do not just settle for a rubbish proud fatwa- fatwa as born of sheer selfishness.

 Now we are the majority in the world, what if we are so minor. Shall we dare vocal cloaked hadith to the exclusion of hearts and minds? Jihad is the struggle to achieve better conditions of the future in  peace and blessing of Allah Al-mighty ( rahmatan lil alamin ).The  allow of  war and kill your opponent, so clearly God forbids extravagance exceeded the limit, and God does not like us doing that exceeded the limit for not making everything the better. Lust, anger must be subdued by common sense and sincerity.

Forbidding to the orientation for commanding the good. To build a better life rather than to destroy it. In  Al-Qur'an surah al maa'idah (5): 8 O ye who believe, you shall be the people who always uphold (the truth) for Allah, as witnesses to fair dealing. And  not  occasionally hatred for a people incite you into not being just. There was just: that is nearer to piety. And fear Allah, for Allah is Aware of what you do.

The above verse provides a common corridor to the Muslims in order to do his worship are not based on hatred. Not to be unfair and unjust simply because of the hatred that although the grounds, they obstructed our worship. In the above verse says do not let hatred lead you wrong all the steps in this religion because God alone should be based.

That is what is taught in the Quran. 5: 8 above; Establish the truth just because God alone. Jihad because hatred will only decrease the value of our jihad in the eyes of God even in violation of his orders. How can we keep God's commandments in breach of his ban.

Keep in mind the events of the story of a friend of Ali bin Abi Talib when dueling when he could bring down the enemy, but not to be killed because he was a very significant anger caused by the enemy who had spat lying almost killed. He did not even leave his enemy so kill it, so that was asked by one of his companions why not kill an enemy who is helpless? He replied that he was angry because he was spitting up that kills the enemy when it works not because of God but because of anger. Ali apply the substance verses above, that should not be killed because of hatred but must be pure because Allah only desires without the hang of it. Therefore, jihad should be interpreted appropriately and proportionately.

 In general it is a significant fight in Allah's way to getting closer to worship him. There are five sentences were ordered jihad to the Muslims and the fifth verse that means only one physical fight, the rest is a means of struggle to get closer to Him and to broadcast Islam to humanity. The fifth verse is found in chapter 1) QS. Al Maidah (5): 35, 2) QS. At-Tawbah (9): 41, 3) QS. At-Tawbah (9): 73.4) QS. Al-Hajj (22): 78 The fourth paragraph invites us to be strict in the implementation of religious orders istiqomah ( consistence ) not take us to war, and the fifth in the Quran. Al Furqan (25): 52 which means "So obey not the disbelievers, but strive upon  them with the Qur'an with a true jihad. Because the meaning of Jihad just as physical warfare is to narrow the substance of jihad itself and degrades the quality of the religion of Islam from a peaceful religion into a religion war daunting for anyone ..... Once again Islam is a religion of peace, non-violent and violent religion.

Conflict between "truth" occurs when people dare to take over the post of the Lord, the Lord, and the work of God. In fact, the doctrine of faith, the truth is God's prerogative, so how do we try to minimize the impact of the nature of a tolerant and compassionate toward others, confirmed that one with heart and common sense, the opinion of the brain is smart and intellectuals opposed to the martial hand or arms, waking Muslims who fall asleep with the tricks that force them to think that they had to study hard, do not just settle for a rubbish proud fatwa- fatwa seems born out of sheer selfishness. 

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