Sunday, October 15, 2017

Why many people convert to Islam

As a man who live in this modern era. of course everything happened to us always arise question critically. We may not be satisfied and confident if we still hesitated about something. The question appeared need to be answered that is why. An interesting question that arises, what is causing the people of the world became interested in Islam.

By looking at the data obtained, people make them interest in Islam because of some reasons , the first thing that makes them interested in Islam is when they met and talked with Muslims. From this meeting, a total of  people  claimed more interested in knowing the teachings of Islam as the way of life which looks more happy and calm. I mean the people who are always able to overcome any situation of life they face.

Muslim may not do sexual intercourse before being  married because it is a sinful activities which is blamed by the law of can bring somebody to hell fire in the here the influence of  that forbidden activities surely Muslim will be avoided many kinds of dangerous sickness. In spite that is very common in the Western world.

Furthermore, a lot of Christian or others claimed to be interested in Islam when he saw a praying Muslim, Hajj, and mosques. because in Islam before some body worship God ( Allah Almighty ), Muslim must wash their face, hands, head ,mouth and feet ,the reason is :God is the greatest ,so we must be in cleanliness before worship HIM.
Another reason,  people  claimed to be interested in Islam when reading the Koran and Islamic literature . It happened, when they heard and read negative news about Islam and Muslims. What people heard from some news talk about Islam in negative views which is very contrary to the fact of Islam religion as true guide from God Almighty
The final reason, that the teachings of the oneness of God is a solution and answers to confusion with the concept of divinity that is displayed in the teachings of previous "monotheism pure is the most logical to facilitate non-Muslims understand Islam

In general what people  indicate non-Muslims very concerned about the behavior of Muslims. This is an indirect propaganda that interest them. "I think when God gives guidance, it starts with how Muslims behave. So, a man who would become Muslim because of the behavior and actions of Muslims themselves

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