Monday, April 6, 2020

The best Ways to Respond Corona Outbreaks in Accordance with Islamic Religion

The best Ways to Respond  Corona Outbreaks in Accordance with Islamic Religion

The phenomenon of the corona virus outbreak (covid-19) that emerged in early 2020 is increasingly making concern around the world. How not, the virus that first appeared in the city of Wuhan in China's Hubei province has claimed more than 2600 lives and infected about 80,000 people or more.

The virus which has not yet been found to have been deterred has penetrated almost all the major countries in the world. Starting from China, South Korea, Singapore and others in mainland Asia, to Italy, France and others in mainland Europe. President Jokowi announced that the corona virus case had infected two Indonesians.

As a result of this virus, besides casualties which continue to fall which numbers have approached nearly hundreds of thousands of lives both dead and infected, millions of other people are threatened by this deadly plague. In addition, hundreds of cities were recorded isolated, thousands of flight routes were closed, and in particular the State of Saudi Arabia temporarily halted the arrival of pilgrims to anticipate the spread of the plague in two holy lands.

Responding to this global epidemic, as Muslims we must return to the teachings of our religion. And here are some tips that we can take as a Muslim in responding to the corona virus outbreak that is currently endemic:

1. Ask  protection from God.
The corona virus is a creature like any other creature of God, and it does not operate except by the command and permission of the god who created it. Therefore, we seek refuge from God before we seek our own or other beings' abilities. Remember that God is the best protector and the best guardian. God said:
So Allah is the best guardian and He is the Most Merciful of the Merciful." (Joseph Smith, Verse 64).

This prayer to Allah can be done by always reciting the prayer of protection from the Qur'an such as the Al-Falaq and the An-Nas letters or from the prayers that came from the Holy Prophet alaihi wasallam, such as the prayer recommended to be read in the morning and evening:
(بسمم الله الَّذِي لا يَضُرُّ مَعَ اسْمِهَ شَي فِي الأَرْضِ وَلاَ فِي السَمَاءَ وِهُوَ السَمِيعُ العُلِيم)
In the name of God harmless in His name is all that is in the heavens and the earth, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing."

This prayer is based on the word of the Prophet shallahu alaihi wasallam, if practiced by a servant in the morning and evening three times each day, then he will not harm everything on this earth.

2. Commit yourself to taking precautions.
In addition to protecting God, of course, as human beings, we should also make every effort to prevent this virus from spreading to us or our loved ones. This can be done on either an individual or a congregation scale.
Efforts on an individual scale are carried out by following the methods recommended by experts in this field, such as maintaining health regularly, washing hands regularly, routinely eating from good foods, routinely wearing masks in peace, and avoiding going out of the house and gathering at places the crowd when it's not needed.

As for congestion at the congregation scale, it can be done by taking precautions to prevent the virus from expanding to a larger scale such as isolating those infected with the virus or those suspected of having the virus. And this should be done by the appropriate authorities. It is based on the meaning of the hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam which reads:

(If you hear about it on the ground, do not walk on it, and if it falls on the ground while you are on it, then do not leave it to escape from it)
When you hear of it (a plague) somewhere, then do not go into it, and when you are in it, do not go out of it as a form of escape from it." (HR.Bukhari and Muslim)

3. Trust in God.
After doing all the good things we have, we will eventually surrender to God. We offer ourselves to Him. Because our life and death as a servant are all in His hands. God said:
(قلۡ َّنَ صلَاتِي وَنُسُكِي وَمَحۡيَايَ وَمَمَاتِي لِلَّهِ رَبِّ ِّلۡعَٰلَمِينَ)
Say (Muhammad)," Verily my prayer, my worship, my life and my death are for Allah, the Lord of the whole world. " (QS Al-An'am, Verse 162)
And we need to know that a servant will remain alive when death is not yet come, even if the corona virus or other viruses more virulent than that infect it, but if it is already dead, let alone the corona virus or more than that, even bitten by an ant could die if indeed his death had arrived.
Someone's death will surely come, but the question is what have we prepared from the righteous deeds to welcome death? May Allah close our lives with Husnul Khotimah.

4. Trust in God for healing.
If any of us are destined by God to be afflicted with this disease, then rest assured that God is the best healer because He is the Most Healing God.
And also rest assured that there is no disease that Allah sent down, except there is also a drug that was sent down with him. The Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wasallam said:
(God Almighty, where He created the disease, created the medicine, and they cured) Narrated by Ahmad (12186) and classed as hasan by Al-Albani.
Indeed, when He created the disease He created the healing, then the cure." (HR. Ahmad (no: 12186) and heated by Imam Albani).

These are some tips for responding to the corona virus outbreak, and finally, let us pray to God so that He will always protect ourselves, our families, our relatives and our loved ones from being exposed to this virus outbreak. Let us also pray to Allah that He will always guard our country and other Muslim countries from this deadly disease. And do not forget we also insert our best prayers to them, our brothers who are being tested with this virus so that God will immediately cure them of this disease.
This article compiled from MADANINEWS.ID,

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