Islam does not know discrimination between woman and men. Islam placed woman as parallel partner of men. Even so there is difference, hence that is effect of especial duties and function burdened by religion to each gender, so that the existing difference do not result which is one sense of belonging of excess for other. Both each other equip and assist to assist in playing the part of its function in life and the life. This article means to study how to domicile woman from political dimension Islam system.
Islam does not know discrimination between woman and men.
Islam placed woman as parallel partner of men. Even so there is difference,
hence that is the effect of especial duties and function burdened by religion
to each gender, so that the existing difference do not result which is one
sense of belonging of excess for other. Both each other equip and assist to
assist in playing the part of its function in life and the life. This article
means to study how to domicile woman from the political dimension Islam system.
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The basic view of Islamic teachings on women, namely the
Qur'an explains that men and women are created by God in the same degree. There
is no suggestion that the first woman (Eve) created by God is a creature with a
lower dignity than the first man (Adam). This is affirmed by the Qur'an in the
letter of an-Nisa 'verse 1: "O all humans are devoted to your Lord who has
created you from the same kind and from whom Allah created partners and in both
God proliferate men and women Which is a lot. "This verse is an
affirmation, that the material for the creation of man is no different, both
the material used to create both men and women are of the same kind.
Islam does not recognize
discrimination between men and women. Islam places women as equal partners of
men. Even if there is a difference, it is the result of the main functions and
tasks assigned by religion to each sex, so that the differences do not result
in one feeling that they have advantages over others. Both complement each
other and help assist in playing its role in life and life. This has been
commissioned by Allah SWT in the circle of an-Nisa 'verse 32, "And do not
be jealous of what Allah bestowed upon some of you more than others, for men
are a part of what they earn and Even women are part of what they have earned,
and ask God for some of His gifts. Allah is All-Knowing of All. "
From the
above verse can be drawn understanding, that Islam proclaimed equality of men
and women and the integration between the two in playing their respective
functions (Huzaemah, 2001: 138).
indicates that there is no difference between men and women of potential
development which are equally received from Allah SWT. If the potential of
women is considered underdeveloped, the lack of empowerment in many societies
is caused by the culture of society that surrounds it and not by religious
teachings based on Allah's revelation and the guidance of the Prophet Muhammad
and its Sunna (Syarifuddin, 2004: 59).
Furthermore, Albar in his book, "Career Women in
Islamic Scales" states, Islam honors women with a very noble honor,
lifting their dignity from the source of ugliness and humiliation as well as
from the burial of alive and ill-treatment to a respectable and noble position,
Mother, under his feet lies paradise, the woman as a wife who should be treated
with tenderness and refinement, the woman as a daughter, where the person who
nurturing a daughter, two daughters or three daughters will be with the
Messenger of Allah in heaven, so that Hinted at in his hadith: "And whoso
testeth with daughters and treats them with kindness, they will become the
walls of the fire of hell (HRMuslim).
A woman is equal to a
man in respect of rights and duties, he has perfect freedom in spending his
fortune (Albar, 2000: 18). Moreover, this article will discuss the position of
women in the political system whether women are entitled also in the top
positions in government / state, since Islam recognizes the equality of women
and men in general responsibility, will be discussed from the time of Prophet
Muhammad SAW, Khulafarasyidin, And contemporary times today.
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