Some important component of dakwah
In all activities carried out by a person, would have a goal to be
achieved. The purpose of da'wah is the main basis for the determination of
targets and strategies and operational steps da'wah. Clearly, the purpose is a
guideline that should not be ignored in the process of organizing da'wah.
Determination of this goal for the guidance of the direction of da'wah
activities carried out, so as to achieve the expected results. According to
H.M. Arifin, the purpose of dakwah is "to develop the understanding,
awareness, appreciation and practice of religious teachings brought by the
proselytizing apparatus or da'wah torch".
In addition, according to Hafi Anshari, the missionary mission is
materially directed to the objectives, among others:
1) awaken people to the real meaning of life
2) removing man from darkness or misguidance into a bright, bright
light under the rays of divine guidance.
From the above objectives, universally the purpose of dakwah is to
seek the pleasure of Allah and also spread Islam and remind people to keep the
command of Allah SWT. Da'wah can be said to be true if aims to seek ridho Allah
alone, without any frills other purposes derived from the passions of the
implementer of the da'wah. For that the da'wah activists should call the
people of God's path with the correct method as the Prophet Muhammad and his
companions did. Any da'wah that is not in accordance with the purpose will not
be accepted by God, although in the eyes of a dakwah activist has been
considered to achieve success.
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Many missionaries neglected this noble cause. Dakwah motivation is no
longer solely because of Allah, but mixed with other low motives. They want a
worldly purpose to accompany their da'wah. There are those who expect
popularity, some who want to be close to the businessman, and some even seek
wealth through da'wah. They seem to have netted many followers to feel his call
as something right. Though their da'wah far distorted, both in terms of goals
and results.
A. The subject of da'wah
Every Muslim who is in the world is the perpetrator of da'wah (the
subject of da'wah), this is because humans are the Caliph on this earth. As the
subject of da'wah a Muslim should not be absent in the activities of da'wah,
there is no exception for someone to leave da'wah in the circumstances and in
any situation.
"The subject of da'wah which is the most important element in the
implementation of da'wah, can be interpreted as a person who perform da'wah,
that is people trying to change the situation to the situation in accordance
with the provisions of Allah SWT, both individually and in the form of groups,
as well as providing information and emotion ". The subject of da'wah is
also known by several titles, including:
1) Da'i is a guide to people who want to get the salvation of life of
the world and the hereafter. Therefore the position of da'i in the midst of
society is a figure who is recognized and respected because of the science he
mastered, ketauladanannya in the middle of society, because the deeds and
behavior da'i always used as a benchmark, then with important position in the
middle Society, da'i must be able to apply the knowledge of religion that
dikuasainya and can donate their knowledge for the benefit of society.
Da'I is "a person who performs da'wah both oral and written or
deed and either individually, group or in the form of organization or
institution". From this understanding, at least da'i must:
A) able to complete the burden assigned to himself as a preacher with
a wide range of religious knowledge;
B) capable of transforming human life is more valuable and gives them
the ability to make their life in this world as an investment for their life in
the hereafter;
C) individuals or individuals who always exist and consistent with the
purpose of da'wah, its functions and roles.
2) Dakwah activists
The word da'wah activist consists of two syllables namely activist and
da'wah. The notion of an activist according to a large Indonesian dictionary is
"people (especially members of political, social, labor, patani, youth,
student, women) organizations who actively work to encourage the implementation
of an activity or activities in their organizations". While da'wah is
"all efforts to spread Islam to others in all fields of human life to get
happiness in the world and the hereafter."
So the notion of activist da'wah, indirectly written by Fathi Yakan is
"people who are willing to sacrifice beyond the limits of other
sacrifices. Sacrifices that prioritize the benefits of Islam above all else.
Significant sacrifices are circulating in the axis of Islamic struggle,
regardless of the conditions faced and no matter how expensive a sacrifice is
3) Counselor
The counselor comes from the word counsel, which is supplemented by
the suffix "-or", which denotes the meaning of the actors of an
occultation. Counselors are people who provide guidance, advice, or advice.
From this understanding it can be seen that the counselor is a person who gives
advice with the form of suggestions and suggestions in the form of
communicative conversation, so it can help a person to realize personal
reactions to the influence of behavior from the environment and help someone
form the meaning of his behavior.
In relation to the activities undertaken by the counselor, then it is
in line with the words of the Prophet who said that "religion is the
advice". In addition, the activities undertaken by the counselor is also
contained in the Qur'an letter Asy-Syuuro verse 52, which means:
"And thus we reveal to you, the revelation of the Qur'an by my
command, before you do not understand what the Qur'an (al-Qur'an) is and
neither understands what faith is, but we make the Qur'an The light by which we
show whomever we wish among our servants. And surely you (Muhammad) can give
guidance (guiding) to the right path ". (QS Asy-Syuuro: 52)
From the above verse has been explicitly and implied, that a counselor
should be able to develop the potential of mind, psychology, faith and belief
and can overcome the problematic life and life of clients who owned, properly,
correctly and independently berparadigma to al-Qur ' And as-Sunnah Rasul SAW.
From the description above can be seen that da'I, da'wah activist and
counselor has a goal to help mad'u faced in evoking the fighting spirit in the
mad'u so that he can overcome thousands of problems of life with faith and a
firm belief in Allah SWT . In addition, in the terminology there are also
different uses in the mention of da'I, da'wah activist and counselor in
everyday life.
Da'i, usually acting passively. That is, da'I is more likely to wait
for a call in performing Islamic da'wah, in addition, the da'I movement is more
individual or individual. As with da'wah activists, they tend to make movements
without waiting to be called. In addition, da'wah activists conducted in an organized
container shaded by an institution or harokah-harokah Islamiyah. While the
counselor, the activities are more emphasized in the face of clients who have
psychiatric problems
B. Object of Da'wah
Islamic Da'wah is a universal and natural da'wah that calls on people
regardless of the boundaries of race, color or language. Object of dakwah is
man who become target of da'wah or human recipient of da'wah, either as
individual or as group, whether human being is Moslem or not, or in other words
human with all its advantages and disadvantages.
To humans who are not Muslim, da'wah aims to invite them to follow the
religion of Islam; While to those who have been Islamic da'wah aimed at
improving the quality of faith, Islam and ihsan. Da'wah object consists of
various kinds of human groups. Therefore, categorizing it equals to classify
the person himself, the profession, the economy, and so on. The classification
of dakwah objects are as follows:
1) societal groups seen in sociological terms, in the form of isolated,
rural, large and small cities, and communities in the marginal areas of big
2) community groups viewed from the social-cultural side, in the form
of priyayi, abangan and santri groups;
3) class of society in terms of occupational, in the form of farmers,
traders, artists, laborers, civil servants and the like;
4) community groups viewed in terms of socio-economic level of living,
in the form of the rich, middle and poor;
5) community groups viewed in terms of sex, in the form of women and
6) community groups viewed in terms of special, in the form of
community groups prostitutes, homeless, tuna works, inmates and so forth.
From the description above, each community group has special
characteristics that will require system and method of da'wah approach that is
different from each other, so that will achieve the afiveness and efficiency in
da'wah activities in each class.
A da'wah activist who does not have enough knowledge about the society
that became the object of his da'wah is the candidates of activists who will
experience failure in his da'wah. Knowledge of this dakwah object can be
obtained through research formally or informally or literally, and more
C. Method of da'wah
The problem of da'wah method revolves around the problem of how the
ability of the dakwah subject to adjust the material to the situation and
condition of the object, the field of da'wah, and the goal of da'wah to be
In terms of language the method comes from two words namely meta (through)
and hodos (way, way). Thus the method is the way or path that must be passed to
achieve a goal. Another source mentions that the method derived from the German
methodica means the teaching of the method. In Greek the method derives from
the word methodos, which means path, which in Arabic is called thariq. When
freely defined, the method is the way that has been arranged and through the
process of thinking to achieve a purpose. While understanding the method of
da'wah in term is "certain ways that a da'i (communicator) to mad'u to
achieve a goal on the basis of wisdom and compassion".
In addition according to Alwisral Imam Zaidallah, da'wah method is
"how to deliver da'wah so the target of da'wah or al-mad'u is easy to
digest, understand, believe in the material delivered".
The main guiding method of da'wah is contained in the Qur'an letter
an-Nahl verse 125, which means:
"Call men to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good lessons
and dispute them in a good way. Verily your Lord He is the one who knows better
who is lost in His Way and He is the one who knows the guided. " (Surat
an-Nahl: 125)
The explanation of the division of da'wah method contained in the
Qur'an an-Nahl: 125 is:
A. Al-Hikmah
"As a method of da'wah, al-wisdom is interpreted as wise, noble
mind, broad chest, clean heart, attracting people to religion or God."
This method usually targets intellectuals or educated people. Against them must
be precise, logical, accompanied by clear-cut propositions for the truths
conveyed, eliminating any doubt.
B. Wal wants to be a hasanah
"Mau'idzatil hasanah can be interpreted as an expression that
contains elements of guidance, education, teaching, stories, happy news,
warning, positive messages that can be used as a guide in life in order to obtain
the salvation of the world and the hereafter. Al-mau'idzatil hasanah is a good
lesson, in which the lesson can help mad'u to solve or overcome the problems at
hand. The subject of da'wah in this case must really master the material
containing the lessons that are very useful for mad'u.
C. Al-mujadallah bi al-lati hiya ahsan
"Al-mujadallah is a synergic exchange of opinions by two parties,
which does not give rise to hostilities in order for the opponent to accept the
proposed opinion by providing strong arguments and evidence". In this
method, the object of da'wah is invited to dialogue or discuss. The subject of
da'wah is required to respect the opinion of the object of da'wah. The dialogue
should give satisfaction and relief to the opponent or the opponent of the
A dakwah subject must first know the object of da'wah to be faced and
recognize the form of the event to be faced, so as to facilitate the subject of
da'wah to determine the method to be used.
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