Wednesday, February 15, 2017

The Correct Comprehension of Jihad

(Tafsir Surah at-Tawbah [9]: 123)
] يا أيها الذين آمنوا قاتلوا الذين يلونكم من الكفار وليجدوا فيكم غلظة واعلموا أن الله مع المتقين [
O ye who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are around you that, and let them feel the force of you. Know that Allah is with those who restrain themselves. (Surat al-Tawbah [9]: 123).
This clause contained in a letter at-Tawbah. In this letter, in some verses, Muslims are commanded to fight the polytheists whole. Including this paragraph.
When this verse was revealed, the fight against the polytheists direct command can be executed. Because, when it Daulah Islamiyah had stood firm. This includes the last letter revealed to the Prophet. 1
exegesis verse
Allah SWT. said: Yes ayyuhâ alladzîna amanu qâtilû al-ladzîna yalûnakum min al-kuffar (O ye who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are around you that). Said qâtilû is fi'l al-amr of mashdar said al-qital or al-muqâtalah. In language, the word al-muqâtalah mean al-muhârabah (war) .2 The definition of war is certainly a war fisik.3
The word is a form mudhari yalûna of al-Waly which means al-qurb wa al-dunuw (close) .4 yalûnakum word can be interpreted by yaqrubûna minkum (which is close to you) .5 Based on these meanings, this verse can understood as a command to the believers to fight the infidels close to them.6
Some of the verses in Surah at-Tawbah above (ie, paragraph 5, 29, and 36) had instructed Muslims to fight the unbelievers overall. However, in order to combat them in the same time of course not possible. That might be done is to fight against a group of them first. Due to be selected, then the closest to didahulukan.7
Here they must set priorities this paragraph.
Ar-Razi, az-Zuhayli, and ash-Shabuni said, when Allah. commanded the believers to fight the infidels as a whole. He also teaches a method most appropriate and suitable to be taken, that they had to start from the close-close, and then switch to a far-jauh.8 With this method, the obligation to fight the infidels as a whole can tercapai.9
It is this method that reached the Prophet. and the Companions ra. At first he fight against his own people, the Arabs in Hijaz, then Syam.10 From Medina, Syria is nearer than Iraq, Persia, or Egypt. After Sham can be controlled at the time of Companions, Muslims are just switched to Iraq, next to the territories others.11
Furthermore, Allah. said: Walyajidû fîkum ghilzhah (and let them feel the force of you). Meaning ghilzhah is dhidd ar-riqqah (as opposed to smooth); 12 could also mean syiddah (hard), Quwwah (strong), and hamiyyah (valiant) .13 According to al-Andalusi and al-Baqa'i, in this verse, ghildhah word used to indicate syiddah li al-harb (the rigors of warfare) .14
According to this verse outward, which ruled to perceive the nature of ghilzhah are infidels. However, the order was actually addressed to the believers. They were ordered to have the properties mentioned, namely the nature ghilzhah with all the meaning that is included in dalamnya.15 Thus, this verse uses origination to state reasons. That is, if the infidels can feel the rigors of the Muslims, it is caused by the rigors of the Muslims to mereka.16
Orders to have all the properties included in the most precise ghilzhah said. For it is the nature and welfare in war .17 To be able to win the war, these properties must be owned by the Muslims (See also: Surah at-Tawbah [9]: 73).
This verse concludes with His word: Wa'lamû anna ma'a Allah al-Muttaqin (Know that Allah is with those who restrain themselves). At the end of this verse Allah. He reminded that the Helper of His servants who bertakwa.18
some Lessons
There are many lessons to be learned from this verse. Among them:
1. Jihad offensive.
According to this verse, jihad obligatory on Muslims not merely difâ'î (defensive, defensively), but also ibtidâ'i (offensive, started the war first). This verse clearly gives such conclusions.
It is noteworthy, jihad ibtidâ'i this should be done under the command Daulah Islamiyah. Because the jihad is waged within the framework of conquest, namely the effort to expand the territory Daulah Islamiyah with the conquest of other territories previously controlled pagan rulers and Kufr system. Furthermore, the region has been conquered is integrated with the Daulah Islamiyah.

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